
Perfect Match: Helping a Heritage Non-Profit Find the Ideal Cultural Fit

This charity provides culture and heritage focused experiences, services, and support, along with long-term independent living centres for seniors. This charity boasts a long history of supporting seniors through an event centre, tailored programming, cafes, and more.

Business Objective

Looking to hire a Marketing Specialist who had a background in culture and arts, as well as event planning and management, they needed someone who had a long-term goal to grow with the charity, which meant a passion for not only not-for-profits but also for Italian culture.

To find the right candidate, the client needed a recruitment agency that could identify, vet, and present a series of candidates who met their long-term and short-term goals for this role.

Our Approach

Finding someone who fulfilled their exact Full-Time needs proved to be difficult, which is why they turned to Creative Niche. Our expertise in knowing potential organizations where this skill set existed, and then reaching out to potential candidates to build a rapport allowed us to present a short list of individuals who met their needs.

The Results & Impact

With the client underscoring a desire for a candidate who could stay long-term, Creative Niche focused on finding a candidate with the specialized blend of skills the client required—marketing expertise, a background in culture and the arts, and experience in event management. We leveraged our extensive network to identify individuals who could not only meet these specific qualifications but also bring a deep passion for the charity’s mission. Through a thorough vetting process, we ensured the candidate was well-prepared to thrive in the unique environment and contribute meaningfully from day one.

Our high level of communication on everything from market feedback based on hiring and salary trends, to what candidates thought of this specific role’s requirements, meant the person who was hired for this role walked into an environment where both the employer and employee were in perfect sync.


Creative Niche was successful in finding us a highly qualified candidate for our team, for a role which had proven very challenging to fill using traditional recruitment methods. They understood our unique needs and were able to present talent that not only had the necessary job skills but would also be the right fit.

- Director, Marketing and Communications

Highlighted Roles
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