October 9, 2019

3 Mistakes New Managers Typically Make (And How To Best Avoid Them)

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Learn how to stay ahead with these essential tips.

Every new manager is going to make their fair share of mistakes. Having built two businesses from the ground up, I know a thing or two about making, and learning, from my slip-ups, in order to continuously (and successfully) grow from them.

It's only natural that things may not feel natural to you at the beginning, especially if this is your first time in a managerial role. This may be the first time that you've had other people rely on you, or have had to oversee such a large team; embrace that initial uncomfortable feeling, and remind yourself that you're still growing and navigating your way around your new job.

Never see your errors as negative or detrimental to your career; always consider them a learning experience and value them as such when they happen. It's often tough starting at a new company, and staying afloat may be the only objective that you can handle for a while. Things do get easier with time, but here are three of my best tips for how to avoid making some of the most common mistakes that almost all new managers make.

1. Get to know your team.

Getting to know your team is a lot more than just learning names. Taking the time to develop trust is vital when starting out as a new manager, and it will also ensure both a strong team and a more healthy work environment.Try talking to your employees one-on-one. Discover what their short-term and long-term goals are (either with the company or outside of it), and see if there is any way that you can help make those aspirations come to fruition.

Being a strong manager involves being a strong listener, and always being open to any ideas or concerns that your team members may have. If they're willing to open up to you, continue empowering their voices and looking out for them in the workplace. In return, by paying attention to them, they will pay attention to you too.

2. Don't remind everyone of your authority.

Despite having your newfound position of authority, it is a lot more important to be seen as someone others can look to guidance for, versus coming across as a ruler of your company.Don't feel as though you need to constantly remind people that you're in charge (by doing so, you actually damage your credibility as a leader), and let go of the idea that you need to uphold a spotless, know-it-all image. Instead, focus on earning the trust of your team members, and building relationships with them that empower their voices and make them feel understood and heard.

3. Don't be afraid to take risks.

It's understandable that when many new managers start out, they will often do whatever it takes not to rock the boat or step on too many toes. Over time though, and as your confidence builds up, don't be afraid to stand up (or out) and suggest new ways the company could improve, or be taken in a direction that you feel would be beneficial to everyone on your team.

Making changes and voicing your opinion for yourself or your staff will make you more of a leader at your job, and will help propel both your company (and career) forward in the long term.